



Now more than ever, we appreciate the community 和 connection that makes Country Day unique. From our exceptional 和 nurturing faculty 和 staff who form our foundation to our outst和ing students 和 alumni, Country Day epitomizes genuine connection between 和 among our people. These connections 和 values endure well beyond graduation 和 through generations as we continue the Country Day Tradition.

Help us stay connected by updating your contact information below 和 by downloading the Country Day 校友 App. Like, add, follow us on social media, share your stories with us, share our story, too. 我们希望很快能见到你!
alumni@hollandfast.com | (504) 828-3408



  • Senior Jane Thompson is the Third Young Woman 在路易斯安那州 to be Named an Eagle Scout

    Eagle Scout represents the pinnacle of achievement in Scouting for young individuals. 只有大约5%的童子军能获得这一殊荣. 自1912年成立以来, over 2 million young men have earned the esteemed title of Eagle Scout within the Boy Scouts of America. 值得注意的是, 在路易斯安那州, 只有4只雌性获得了这一殊荣, with Senior Jane Thompson st和ing as the third female in the state to receive this honor.
  • 皮尔斯·海瑟薇被任命为美国首席执行官.S. 空军学院

    每年都有数千人申请美国移民.S. 空军学院,但只有少数人被选中. We are excited to share that Senior Pierce Hatheway has been appointed to the Academy. 皮尔斯被任命为美国国务卿.S. 空军学院 is equal to receiving a four-year, full scholarship at a top-tier university. 他严格的选拔过程包括身体评估, 国会提名, 和访谈. 在学院, 指定的学生参加各种各样的项目,比如飞行, 跳伞, 体育运动, 军事训练, 在完成全面的大学课程后,你会得到更多. Upon graduation, they become second lieutenant officers in the U.S. 空军还是U.S. Space Force, serving in various career fields for at least five years. Congratulations to Pierce on this tremendous achievement 和 honor! 
  • Senior 菲利普 Antis Accepts a Premier Scholarship at Millsaps College

    菲利普, 他是一名服役14年的老兵,即将从Country Day中学毕业, 要去米尔斯普斯学院吗, 杰克逊的一所小型私立文理学院, 密西西比州, 作为其享有盛誉的接受者, 优异奖学金. As 菲利普 quickly learned, the selection process was thorough, the competition was intense. 他说, “The Premier Scholarship is Millsaps’ most competitive scholarship with over 300 applicants, 32个决赛, 16名奖学金获得者.” 
  • Senior 莎拉Heebe Awarded Prestigious Morehead-Cain奖学金

    After a rigorous multistage selection process, senior 莎拉Heebe has been awarded the esteemed Morehead-Cain奖学金 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校. 这个奖学金, renowned as the nation’s oldest 和 most prestigious merit scholarship program, covers all expenses for four years of undergraduate study at UNC 和 features four distinctive summer enrichment experiences. Scholars have the opportunity to complete an outdoor leadership course, 在美国或国外从事公共服务, 在世界各地进行研究, 并在私营企业积累经验.
  • 三名高年级学生入选全国优秀奖决赛

    Country Day is proud to announce that three seniors — Pierce Hatheway, 莎拉Heebe, Cooper Woods — have advanced to Finalist st和ing in the National Merit Scholarship Program, a national academic competition for recognition 和 scholarship that began in 1955. These students fulfilled several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition 和 will be considered for a National Merit Scholarship in the coming months. 祝贺你,卡津人! 
  • 五名卡津人获得赛季后越野荣誉

    在2023-2024赛季破纪录之后, four Country Day cross country team members received All-State recognition. 克里斯蒂安·迈尔斯25岁, 哈利·奥德姆,25岁, 梅森·辛克26岁 were named to the 2023 Louisiana Division IV Boys' All-State Cross Country Team, 雷恩戈登堡 '25 was named to the 2023 Louisiana Division IV Girls' All-State Cross Country Team.

    哈利·奥德姆,25岁, 克里斯蒂安·迈尔斯25岁, 可可·戈登伯格,25岁, 雷恩·戈登伯格,25岁, Stella Fuselier, 29岁 获得全地铁荣誉奖.

    克里斯蒂安·迈尔斯25岁 哈利·奥德姆,25岁 也入选了GeauxPrep全小校队.


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      Congratulations to Jim Cummings (2005) for winning the Sundance Film Festival Gr和 Jury Prize for his short 电影, 雷路! The Prize is awarded to one 电影 in the program of 72 short 电影s selected from 8,712 submissions.