

我们的大学辅导员是顾问, 在这里引导学生和家庭通过个性化的过程找到自己的位置.

在乡村日, the college counseling process begins in the 8th grade with stage-appropriate programming for these younger students and culminates in an individualized process to help our students achieve a harmonious match between their goals and ambitions and find their college fit.

Our college counselors have backgrounds in highly selective admissions and engage in conferences and professional learning opportunities each year while also maintaining membership in several professional organizations.
从八年级开始, Country Day's college counseling program offers students opportunities to gain experience with standardized testing and discover areas where increased preparation would be beneficial. 学生在8年级和10年级参加Pre-ACT考试,在10年级和11年级参加PSAT考试. Country Day offers test preparation courses to 11th-grade students each spring semester to prepare for the official ACT in April each year. PSAT考试面向10年级和11年级学生. Scores earned in the 11th grade may qualify students to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program. 


  • 8年级 & 9年级

    学校鼓励学生积极参与学校生活,探索各种兴趣爱好. When scheduling courses for 9th grade, students should consider challenging themselves appropriately. College counselors meet with freshmen in small groups to build rapport and familiarize students with the college application elements. 学生们应该努力学习,融入社区,拥抱高中生活.
  • 10年级

    10年级的学生定期以小组或个人的形式与大学辅导员见面. 学生应该开始缩小自己的兴趣范围,并积极参与其中, 表现出深刻和一致的承诺. 在调度, students are guided on how best to challenge themselves within our curriculum to become strong candidates for college admission. 大学晚上 for sophomores and their supporters formally introduces the college admissions process and timeline. 

    关键事件 & 里程碑:
    • 学院论坛和公平/院长小组
    • PSAT(秋季学期)
    • act预科(春季学期)
    • 练习ACT和SAT(可选)
    • 大学晚上
    • YouScience:将天赋与职业和教育途径联系起来
    • SCOIR:向学生介绍学院的研究和应用数据库
  • 11年级

    11th-grade students meet with college admission representatives; over 100 colleges and universities visit Country Day's campus each fall. The 大学咨询 Department offers on-campus ACT preparation courses with professional tutors, 特别针对大三学生. 大学晚上 for juniors and their supporters and the spring 大学101年 course for students provide a detailed introduction to college planning and goal-setting. 学校鼓励学生和家长在放假期间参观大学校园, 大三学生请假的天数是有限的. 

    关键事件 & 里程碑:
    • College 太阳集团电子游戏 – Detailed; Individual college meetings with students and parents (mandatory); Start visiting colleges and taking ACT and SAT several times
    • 大学101年 – 7 sessions; comprehensive college reference binder
    • 导航- SAT和ACT练习
  • 12年级

    为学生提供完整的SAT和ACT练习测试. 一旦学生确定了他们的考试偏好,重点就放在目标部分的准备上. Students continue to meet with college representatives in the fall and attend college-sponsored fairs and off-campus events. 8月, 高年级学生参加App Fest, 一天, 实践研讨会,包括完成通用申请, 论文写作, 和编辑, 申请推荐信, 面试准备. 

    关键事件 & 里程碑:
    • App Fest大学入学工作坊(秋季)
    • 老年家庭大学之夜
    • 学院论坛和公平/院长小组
    • 校内和校外大学访问
    • 完成并提交大学入学考试
    • FAFSA和CSS档案的经济援助
    • 为家长支付大学学费
    • Naviance的未来大学名单变成了活跃名单

The college counseling office provides many resources to students and families throughout the five-year program. Students are officially assigned to a specific counselor during their junior year; however, students and families are able to meet with a member of the college counseling team at any time during the process. 我们的目标是与家庭一起努力, 老师, 学生们要尽早减轻焦虑, 树立信心, 并使申请过程令人兴奋和有益的. 


  • 大学101年

    作为初中, 学生开始上大学101, 七节课的课程涵盖了大学论文写作的主题, 面试, 并完成申请以获得奖学金机会. 学生将收到一份涵盖所有主题的个性化大学参考手册. 在大三的春天, students and parents meet together with the college counselors and begin working closely as a team.
  • 大学论坛

    每年秋天,“乡村日”都会举办一次公立大学太阳集团电子游戏论坛. Representatives from a variety of colleges and universities converge on our campus to participate in a panel discussion about their schools and the profiles of students they seek to admit. 
  • 找到适合你的大学博览会

    This event is an opportunity for students beginning their college search to learn about different colleges and universities without the confusion of preconceived notions, 机构的刻板印象, 或者常见的误解. 该博览会让学生们了解每个院校的项目和特点. It provides college admissions representatives with a format in which to share detailed and substantive information about their schools. This "unbranded" college fair aims to get students to look beyond an institution's name to truly find schools that best fit their interests and needs without name bias.


  • MPCDS什么时候开始大学咨询?

    每年有80到100所大学访问mpcd. Students are encouraged to visit college campuses informally beginning in the 10th grade while making more formal visits in grades 11 - 12. 11年级和12年级的学生参观大学时可以请假5次. 

    The 大学论坛 and Fair is an annual evening program hosting college representatives for a moderated panel discussion of college admission topics. Students meet with representatives for more specific information on the individual colleges during the college fair.
  • mpcd学生是如何接触到大学的? 

    每年有80到100所大学参加乡村日活动. Students are encouraged to visit college campuses informally beginning in the 10th grade while making more formal visits in grades 11 - 12. 11年级和12年级的学生参观大学时可以请假5次. 

    The 大学论坛 and Fair is an annual evening program hosting college representatives for a moderated panel discussion of college admission topics. Students meet with representatives for more specific information on the individual colleges during the college fair.
  • 八年级的课程算大学学分吗?

    A few 8th-grade courses taken for high school credit are listed on the transcript with a letter grade but not equated in the GPA. Typically, those courses are Algebra I, Foreign Language, Physical Science, and World Geography. GPA只基于mpcd的9年级到12年级的课程,不包括体育. 


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