Our mission is to foster and promote Country Day’s vibrant learning environment through parental participation in a variety of activities and events that generate resources for the school for the direct benefit and education of our children. 无论是通过筹款, 社区服务, 或者学校精神, the Parents’ Association offers many opportunities for parents to contribute their diverse and wonderful talents to our innovative school community.
Check out our list of upcoming events, 志愿服务机会, and 家长协会 Meetings to learn more!
五月 6-10, 2024: Teacher Appreciation Week

2024年3月5日, 8:15 a.m.
2024年5月7日, 11:30 a.m.
总统: 小系缆桩吉尔
副总裁: Shelli Ergen 
Co-Treasurers: 杰西卡·舒尔曼 & 奥利维亚有传言
助理财务主管: 艾米Udhrain
相应的秘书: 南巴洛
记录秘书: 凯萨琳Kazour
过去的总统: 艾米·费尔南德斯

LS联络: 詹妮弗Marsiglia
联络小姐: 坎德拉水手
我们联络: 薇薇安帕尔米萨诺
Put on your plaid pants, argyle sweater vest, and your Caddyshack best! It’s time for the Parents’ Association’s annual fundraiser on 星期六,2024年3月23日. Country Day’s City Nights, it’s a Caddyshack Par- Tee! 这个一年一度的活动为家长提供, 朋友, and alumni an opportunity to come together on campus to celebrate our school community while also raising funds to support the school we love.

Caddyshack Par-Tee promises to be a fabulous evening filled with lots of 微笑s and fun! The evening will kick off with a Patron Party at the home of Mr. 和夫人. 伦纳德年代. 下午6点到7点半, continuing after on the greens at Bushwood Country Club (Chandler Circle) FORE a fun-filled evening with craft cocktails, 食物, 游戏, and live 音乐 with the ultimate party 乐队, 四(前!)不插电! The after-party will be in the Coleman Family 餐厅 Room featuring D.J. 布莱斯•.

Patron and sponsorship opportunities are below. 我们感谢您的慷慨支持, which assists the Parents’ Association in funding important work for our students and school. 以前, funds from this event have been used to purchase an air-conditi一个d bus, hydration stations throughout the campus, 教室技术, and new art pedestals for the 乔治美术馆. 

点击这里 为赞助人和赞助商提供机会. We hope you will support this important event, and thank you in advance for your consideration! 如果您有任何问题,请太阳集团电子游戏 pa.citynights@hollandfast.com 或访问 一个.bidpal.net/mpcds.

Skye Sturlese Fantaci和萨拉米. Gennusa (城市之夜联合主席)
萨拉米. Gennusa (城市之夜联合主席)
小系缆桩吉尔 (PA)总统