

Students also develop the ability to communicate personal ideas through art vocabulary, 技术技能, 艺术表现.



  • 学前班到五年级

    Multimedia prints - still wet with paint, ink, and fresh imagination, hang above work tables. 在这样的教室里,我们开始致力于促进艺术的发展. 多年来, 学生们对周围的环境更加了解, 获得在视觉上表达自己的信心, 成长为富有想象力的个体. 

    学生们探索绘画、绘画、粘土和版画等媒介. 该项目旨在通过强调解决问题来培养学生的创造力, 技能发展, 以及对各种材料的探索. 我们经常介绍艺术史,并将项目与课堂教学结合起来. Engaging in art discussions enhances our students' reasoning abilities and critical thinking skills. 



  • 六年级

    Students review the elements and principles of art and design through a study of varying styles and visual art disciplines, 包括图纸, 绘画, 版画, 和雕塑. Students have the opportunity to explore and learn about a variety of media and become familiar with pivotal moments in Art History. 第六 graders study the stylistic choices of famous artists to inspire them to develop their own ideas and artistic voices. 
  • 七年级和八年级

    Students continue an in-depth exploration of the fine arts with a 焦点 on specialized courses in ceramics, 金属, 摄影, 和木工. Each student will work with the artist/teacher of the specific discipline in the studio environment with individualized instruction emphasized. 学生在创作的同时学习最佳的工作室实践, 展示, 回应, 并通过他们的艺术形式联系起来.



  • AP 工作室艺术 2D & 3D

    AP Studio is a unique course of study in the sense that the culminating assessment is based on a student portfolio rather than an exam. 学生需要提交包括绘画在内的作品集, 二维设计(绘画), 计算机图形学, 摄影), 3-D设计(雕塑或陶瓷). 学生们根据他们的作品的技巧和内容来评分. Students need to have the approval of the instructor in order to pursue the AP studio art curriculum.
  • 陶瓷

    This course explores three-dimensional principles of form and function through basic hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques. Students will experiment with various surface treatments for clay vessels 和雕塑s. 将介绍釉料的应用和烧制技术. 
  • 平面设计

    平面设计是通过图像进行交流, 单词, 和形式, 和工作室艺术有着相同的视觉词汇. 在这学期的课程中, students will learn techniques and tools to communicate ideas and meaning for themselves and client projects. 强烈建议学生注册一整年(两个学期)。. 在第一学期, they will master the elements of art and principles of design through design-based projects. 贯穿第二学期, 学生将从事更多自主设计项目, allowing them to explore their areas of interest and develop their own forms of self-expression.
  • 工作室艺术

    These semester-long courses offer students the opportunity to develop their skills in two different mediums. 学生可以选择包括绘画在内的课程, 画, 陶瓷, 摄影, 金属, 和木工. Students learn to assess their artwork for balanced portfolios and learn to reproduce and submit their work digitally. 课堂演示和评论基于个人需求. Students create timelines and visions for their spring Country Day art gallery exhibit.
  • 木工

    本课程着重于使用手动和电动工具,并强调安全. Students work with a variety of woods and develop their own projects based on their interests and capabilities.
  • 绘画 & 画

    在本课程的绘图部分, students will learn the fundamental structures and techniques of 画 and experience the expansive qualities and characteristics of sketchbook work and various projects. 学生可以学习基本的绘画技巧, 如轮廓和手势绘制, 以及技能培养练习, 比如静物画和肖像画. 学生还将掌握更先进的技术和有价值的应用, 对比, 和细节来加强他们的工作. 在绘画部分, 学生将探索和利用颜色属性, 理论, 纹理, 以及绘画过程中的构图. 学生将被介绍到各种绘画媒介, 包括水彩, 丙烯酸, 还有油画颜料. Students will learn to recognize the properties of each medium and be able to make individual art.  

  • 荣誉艺术

    本课程是为有相当天赋的高年级学生设计的, 奉献, 以及对视觉艺术的热情. 老师以优秀的艺术作品和态度推荐学生. Department approval is required; students may need to submit a portfolio of their work for review by the Department Chair or be recommended by former art instructors. 学生决定课程,老师作为教练. 书面提案在学期开始时提交. 小组和个人的评论定期用于评估. 一致的, creative work and experimentation with ideas and appropriate mediums are central to successful projects and course completion. Building a portfolio for submission to art schools or colleges is a major goal in this cumulative course. Students are given information and tips on what is needed to create a body of artwork that expresses individual abilities and ideas and is suitable for admission committees.
  • 金属

    本课程将教授基本的金属技术, 使用黄铜, 铜, 在铸件和成品上用银. 高级学生可以学习景泰蓝珐琅. Students will make both pieces of jewelry and small metal 雕塑s with a priority placed on design principles. 学分将通过完成几个项目来获得. 
  • 摄影

    学习视觉素养, 视觉讲故事, 和摄影的历史,同时学习摄影的基本技能. 你将学习如何使用作文, 焦点, color, 数字滤波器, 观点, and depth of field to communicate a message to your viewer and to express yourself artistically. You will also learn how to manipulate the functions of a camera and how to use Photoshop to post-process images.

    You will have a variety of shooting exercises and assignments, both in class and at home. 准备好花时间在家里和校外拍照. You will also need to edit your photos, but you will be given time during class to do so. 如果你明智地利用你的时间, 你将能够完成大部分工作, 如果不是全部, 在课堂上进行剪辑和后期处理.



  • 史蒂文·唐纳利的照片

    史蒂文 唐纳利 

    (504) 840-3981
  • 米歇尔·海斯利的照片

    米歇尔 Haysley 

    (504) 840-3986
  • Lisette 奥尔白的照片

    Lisette 奥尔白 

    (504) 849-3125
  • 卡洛琳 Perschall的照片

    卡洛琳 Perschall 90

    (504) 849-3125
  • 琳达 里诺的照片

    琳达 里诺 

    中间 & 高中摄影老师,年鉴顾问
    (504) 838-3320
  • 帕姆 Skehan的照片

    帕姆 Skehan 

    中间 & 高中美术教师
    (504) 840-3987
  • 史黛西·斯坦菲尔的照片

    斯泰西 Stanfill 

  • 罗斯·特纳摄

    罗斯 特纳 

    (504) 620-5648